
JOJO ��crit Cojna _1920365593

En fait, je ne d��tiens beaucoup d'espoir que vous pouvez voir ce que j'ai ��crit, mais j'ai toujours d'��crire parce que j'ai aim�� vous peut-��tre ��tre ��crits en pur amour Oh ~ je tiens JO lecture patiemment les gouttes est mon esprit de me pr��senter le premier nom de comparaisons m��diocrit�� avec votre sexe male age 17 (May 31, 1993: 7 7 42 Gemini n��e coq) matin midi 1,85 tall se r��tr��cit �� environ 1,83 poids cet embarrassant qch Et Zou Shi hors lev��e de halt��res ��tudiant presque professionnel int��r��t hobby ��couter la chanson a ��crit les paroles de basket-ball bombe guitare Idol NIRVANA-katekeben GUNS ne roses SUM41 GREENDAY AI Wei nourrissons Lawrence Lavigne Cojna (classement n'est pas min a) introduction est n�� �� un g��n��ral de famille manger des gens ordinaires d'usure de repas des gens ordinaires, des gens ordinaires de v��tements assis de voiture chantent des gens ordinaires de chanson a assister �� Yu Shenyang une ��cole ��l��mentaire Shenyang un Shenyang junior high school, une ��cole secondaire et en ne fait pas loin de 5 mois yihou en ne sait pas quel local d'une universit�� (je voulais examen Beijing accumulation du groupe underground Chine compl��te mais la valeur estim��e de l'examen ne pas Shang qch qch ) junior that boring of semester began has little of music career has has first to ballad guitar (seems to with you of a brand Jervis are has damage) from put it down and established has life ideal do one Rocker guitar academic comparison downs 200 block a months of Executive playing spell has also with 200 block a hours of teacher study painstakingly has (now prepared college entrance examination down has guitar this teacher is this mountain media of music making people representative works Wolf fell in love with sheep on soup tide of Music Assistant Adviser is Shenyang Music College electric guitar Department Professor but I so far also stay in simple concert of level I prepared in college entrance examination end yihou train guitar as soon as possible became one qualified of rhythm guitar hand) has saved 3 months pocket money purchase has EPIPHONE low-end guitar a to into high school meet has now we band of captain that kid guitar keyboard drum and music making are is NB from began formed band daily amateur time repeatedly rehearsal times in school organization of get-together, large performances activities in the performances participate in City Festival times award-winning (City does not to ten a student band sth ) �� la fois parce que la bande originale chansons sur le continent des ailes de l'infection, a d��cid�� de tambour Accueil contre elle et qu'elle a ��chou��. Has original songs a first turn sing songs countless now maximum of wishes is can real has belonging to themselves of music good has Luo miles tired above basic full is nonsense below into down I Yu May 2009 around concern Zhejiang TV hundreds thing group tone attracts daily skip class hid in home see TV escape can't of when also will with MP5 various watch so more band in the which most like of is refers to people infants band so more refers to people infants in most like Cojna (second is like gear band of embedded respiratory under is she chic enthusiasm of appearance and singing by attracts from format of phone unique wings under a song daily school, school and the leisure Shi listening to has is referral to school band as performances tracks later is is wanted to understand so beautifully melody Xia of singer so in all large search engine find related information found JOJO Yu I is destiny because I also like Bryant I also like Nirvana tray and metal I also like bomb guitar I also like concert dark blue of February 14 , and so on, and so on many many I almost is in different time different locations copy of a you so hope can with JO cross friends sth M��me un peu non pagin��e qch Voulait JO lorsque ma soeur il il je sais JO ��tait occup��e ~ JO tr��s peu de chances de voir cette article n'a pas gratter mes comp��tences d'��criture ne sont pas tr��s cher, mais j'��tais comme JOJO aime la moyennes des gens comme les ailes lib��r�� pointeur d��claration jeunesse! , avoir le courage d'��crire ce billet de blog , j'esp��re vraiment et JOJO devenue bons amis ~ ou qch Fr��re qch du JOJO je peut laisser l'avec vous de main vous permettent avec I �� gauche? si vraiment de let de caract��re ��closion JO moi a, j'ai ��crit ces et i on est heureux a I de QQ est 200890360 si JOJO think I ��galement la ligne assez devenue vous amis ��tait grille de mots est ~ souhaitera gongaga je ~ ~ ou vous de QQ, a dit je ~ ~ je traite surtout idole est chaleureusement d'on ��crit donc plus je premi��re fois eux-m��mes d'idole m��me fait ne pas exag��r�� de dit c'est je premi��res fois �� des amis un un peuple a ��crit au s��rieux de so real! espoir fait r��f��rence aux personnes les nourrissons JOJO popularit�� CHANGHONG ~ JOJO de plus en plus belle! derni��re accompagn�� de photos qch qch d'un Zhang Si les JO au d?ner de mange qch ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cojna "titre =" pour Cojna JOJO "/ >

